The original cover that I designed, and discoveries….

~ Original cover design that I came up with ~

~ Back side of original cover designed by me ~

I’ve promised that I would share some of the early drafts of my cover mock-ups.  Here’s the first one I ever did.  I love the old style of the parchment with the leaf in the background, but I ultimately decided against using this one.  At least for now.  Who knows.  I’ve been known to change my mind a million times.  Since the book is still quite some time from going to press, I still have the luxury of changing my mind…perhaps a million times.  I kind of liked this image, but I felt that the resolution was not high enough.  As always, I do welcome your honest (and blunt) opinions!

You will notice that the canoe photograph is more subdued in this version.  This is how it was when I acquired it from the National Archives.  This version has not been digitally enhanced.  What do you think?  I have mixed feelings either way.  I like the overly saturated version that makes the sunset colors pop out, but I also like the subdued and muted version as well.  Ideas?  Opinions?

Life is a Journey… and it takes us many places and brings us into contact with many people.  Sometimes we meet people in the most unexpected ways and through the strangest of circumstances.  Never be afraid of reaching out to others.  I was for many years, and it really cost me in many ways.  So the next time you’re on your journey and you round that next bend in the river and see new faces, wave hello, stop on that sandbar, and get out and chat for awhile.  You won’t be sorry, and you may even make a new friend.  As I look back on the last couple of years of my life, I think of all those I’ve come in contact with who have faded in and out of my life.  Some are still here, and some have gone on to continue their own journeys.  But ultimately, my life is all the richer for having known them, and it was all because I took a chance and reached out.  Progress on the book continues.  I hope that everyone has a great weekend.  Godspeed.


About Stephen Coleman

Stephen Coleman lives in the central part of Mississippi with his wife and two dogs, Opie and Oliver, who were rescued from animal shelters. In his free time, he enjoys writing, spending time with his family, and spending time in the great outdoors of his home state.

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